Piping Hot Delivery Anywhere with Zapier

Have you ever had the hunkering to transform WordPress Users into leads in your email campaign contact list? Or dreamed of savoring the sweet taste of freedom? Freedom from cutting and pasting content from Google sheets into your WordPress posts because you used a Google form to collect data?

Did you know there’s a service that can deliver data and content to and from over 400+ web based apps, including WordPress. And delivered with any integration topping you can imagine?

If you’ve never heard of Zapier, then your life’s about to get… well… a little more happier!

In this session, I’ll explain the basics of Zapier and demonstrate how creating workflow automations (or zaps) has saved hundreds of hours for me and my clients. With Zapier, I’ve been able to extend WordPress in delightfully creative ways.

There are millions of zaps arriving, piping hot, into apps everyday! Get inspired, get on the delivery route!

