Introducing WCLAX Speaker Austin Gil

Austin Gil will speak on “Designers vs. Developers: The Final Showdown” Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. in the Talladega Room at WordCamp Los Angeles. Austin prefers a big picture view when it comes to projects and feels that it’s easy to get sidetracked by smaller decisions. According to Austin, his talk will focus on ways “to make the right decisions when it comes to a project and not get caught up in the developer vs. designer war.”

Austin hopes session attendees will gain “a clearer approach to decision making,” an especially helpful skill for keeping team members on the same page. Because, as Austin said, “Ultimately, knowing what determines the right decisions for a project can lead to more successful projects and happier clients.”

Austin had to make plenty of good decisions in college, as a valet at the Downtown Hilton, where he was provided the opportunity to drive some very fast cars. “I’ve driven Ferraris, Audis, BMWs, Corvettes, and more,” Austin shared. Unfortunately all had to be driven under 15 MPH.

His own first car was a red, ’95 Ford Mustang that was given to him because his cousin got a new car. While it was cool, it was not very economical and he doesn’t really have a dream car. According to Austin, “Cars never really did anything for me, but today I drive an ’05 Honda Civic Hybrid that I’ve taken on many road trips and am in love with,” he said. He explained he may be open to considering a Subaru Outback as a different option since Civics are not known for their off-road capabilities.

Catch Austin Gil LIVE at WordCamp Los Angeles:

  • Topic: Designers vs. Developers: The Final Showdown
  • Time and Date: Saturday, September 30 at 2:30 p.m.
  • Room: Talladega Room