All About Our Second Annual Beginner’s Day

Last year at WordCamp Los Angeles we hosted a half-day workshop focused on teaching beginners the basics of WordPress. The whole day flowed as if you were in 1 class, even though we had multiple speakers presenting different topics.

This year we are bringing it back, but making it even better!

We’ll be focusing on working on a site as a true beginner, primarily focused on users who want to start their own business website, or personal website. We are going to replace some complex topics from last year (like FTP and GIT) with more tutorial and walkthroughs for how to setup your site, customize your site, and then maintain and manage it.

Gutenberg & Content

If you want to build a website, any website, it is because you want to put a piece of content online. This year during the Beginner Workshop we will focus on just that, the content.

What is the best way to put your unique piece of content online? How will you make it different from other sites to showcase who you are?

Gutenberg, or the new WordPress editor is coming into core, so we will want to also focus some time on teaching you how to use it, and how to get the most out of it for your website.

Managing Your Website

There are many options for managed WordPress hosting, however you should have some basic understanding of what that means and how to do it yourself as needed. We will walk through what maintenance of a website means, and things you can do to keep your website secure from hackers, and create contingency plans in case you lose something.

It is one thing to create a website, it is another to make sure it is constantly up to date and backed up.

What We Ask of You

We know that the Beginner day is going to be “too” beginner for some, but maybe a bit more advanced for others. What we want is attendees that are eager to take away something from the workshop. It may be a long day for some, so come ready to learn something, even if it takes till the very end.


Tickets will be available to any attendee that wishes to attend but tickets will be limited! Make sure to subscribe to our mailing list so that you’re notified as soon as tickets go on sale!

Call for Speakers

Call for speakers

This year WordCamp Los Angeles will host 500 WordPressers in the Southern California sunshine and we want you, the knowledgeable and charismatic expert that you are, to join us and present on a topic of your choosing!

From now until June 29 at 11:59pm PST we’ll be accepting speaker submissions.

Submit your talks on the basics of WordPress, development topics, all things Gutenberg, web design and development, social media strategy, SEO, visual design, business and marketing, and anything else you care to share your expertise on.

Ready to submit a presentation (or three)?

Submit a Presentation Now

Call for Sponsors

In September 2018, WordCamp Los Angeles will take place for its 11th year. Sponsor us and help make the event happen!

WordCamps are casual, low-cost events run by community contributors and volunteers and made possible through monetary contributions from sponsors. The low-cost of WordCamps are a must to ensure the event remains accessible to anyone who wishes to attend.

This year, WordCamp Los Angeles will host 500 attendees made up of web- and -tech savvy professionals as well as beginners who have little or no WordPress experience at all.

As a sponsor, you'll have the opportunity to meet and connect with individuals and teams whose career and / or hobbies span publishing, software development, gaming, art and media, education, government, healthcare, financial services, and beyond.

Whether you're a large organization, a small business or startup, or an individual we have a sponsor package for you!

Interested in sponsoring?

Check out our sponsor packages and apply today.

Welcome to WordCamp Los Angeles, CA

We’re happy to announce that WordCamp Los Angeles is officially on the calendar!

WordCamp Los Angeles will be Friday, September 21 through Sunday, September 23 at California State University Los Angeles.

Subscribe using the form in the sidebar to stay up to date on the most recent news.

We’ll be keeping you posted on all the details over the coming months, including speaker submissions, ticket sales and more!

WordCamp Los Angeles 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!