WordPress and Flexbox CSS

When making websites over the years, I often centered content vertically and created responsive columns. In order to achieve the aforementioned effect, I would use css hacks. Every hack came with a unique set of customized code for every major browser. Flexbox and grid were established to replace the bloated use of ‘float’ and layout hacks. Now, with Google partial to fast mobile friendly pages, Flexbox serves content quickly and robustly, using less code. WordPress themes are rapidly integrating Flexbox methods to create a similar result. I am an advocate of Flexbox. My presentation will answer the following questions: 1) Where did Flexbox come from, and where is it used now? 2) When should one use Flexbox? 3) How does one use flexbox? 4) What is the future of Flexbox? 5) Why is Flexbox relevant for WordPress designers and developers?
