WordPress by a Dummy

Having trouble getting that first site up and running?

Wondering if your site is missing an important plugin that makes it more secure, hard to hack, and run as fast as possible?

Let a puppet show you the way that it’s done. I will be employing a puppet/dummy and a lot of audience participation to help me get a WordPress site up from scratch.

This presentation would be great for brand new or newish users who wants a brief over view of getting a secure and easy to administer site up with as little trouble as possible. Yes, a puppet. You didn’t misread. It’s a bit different, but great for asking/answering extremely simple questions a new user may be too embarrassed to ask.

Security, backup, cache, and page builder plugins are featured…as well as the puppet

This is aimed at the non-technical user who is getting a WordPress site up for their very first time or someone who has tried and never quite got what they wanted out of the experience.
