WordPress Accessibility: Spreading the word!

“Web Accessibility is not just for developers, there are plenty of things people can do to get involved. This presentation will focus on the different ways you can contribute to Web Accessibility and how you can help spread the word. We will cover some Web Accessibility fundamentals and why it’s important. From there we will go over the various ways you can communicate and increase exposure to Web Accessibility using various terms and avenues. Next we will discuss WordPress Accessibility specifically and the different aspects surrounding it. Finally, we will go over the different ways you can contribute to WordPress Accessibility.
It’s well-known that there is power in numbers, so the more we can advocate the more we can evoke change.

Learning Outcomes: (please do not publish)

– a quick overview on the fundamentals of web accessibility
– – what is accessibility?
– – how does it work?
– – why is it important?
– – what is inclusive design?
– – what web accessibility tools are available?

– how can I help spread the word?
– – what is a11y?
– – how can I use social media?
– – what events can I attend to show support?
– – how can I make a difference?

– how can I contribute?
– – auditing and reporting
– – documentation
– – patches and updates
– – plugins and themes
– – education and advocation”

