Sponsor Spotlight: Soflyy

Man, the sponsor spotlights just keep comin’ don’t they? =)

Today, I’m going to tell you about a company whose name you may not know so well, but they make some stuff that is absolutely mind-bending. Yes, MIND-BENDING!

I’d like to introduce you all to a little company called Soflyy. Sure, you could go “Google” them and that would tell you what you needed to know. But I’d like to sit you all around the campfire, people. Soflyy isn’t just a company. They make a couple of bad-ass products which, unless you’re living under SOOOOO many heavy rocks, you’ve most definitely heard of.

Their most recent offering is a service called KnowMyRankings.  What is it? It’s a nifty service that does one thing well. Tell you where your site ranks today  with Google and where it ranked previously for the keywords that matter most to you. Keyword rankings affect how many people visit your site. KMR is a simple, easy-to-use, tool that you can use to track keyword rankings movement. Obviously you can do this for your own site properties, or, optionally, you can create a ‘White Label’ report for your clients. Oh and they have a nifty WordPress Plugin, too: http://wordpress.org/plugins/google-rank-tracker/

Right there I could end this post. But I’m not done. Because Soflyy is behind another little tool. Maybe you’ve used it before. It’s a lil’ somethin’ called WP ALL IMPORT, the Swiss Army Knife of Import tools. WP All Import can import files from xml feeds or from csv files into your WordPress powered sites. You can import standard blogs and posts; you can also create affiliate stores, or update store inventories for your WooCommerce powered ecommerce store. The plugin is SO deep, that you literally get to pick exactly how YOU want to imported data to appear and where. There’s also add-ons for WooCommerce, Advanced Custom Fields and more. I’ve transferred content from one CMS to another with the tool. It’s truly one of the best thought-out plugins out there and has been indispensable to me and my work. Oh, one other cool thing, is that you can use xpath to filter on the content you’re importing so you get only the data you actually want. Amazing!

Let’s thank the good folks at Soflyy for helping WordCamp LA and making it happen.

You folks are awesome!!!


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