Makers of things, doers of stuff aren’t like you and I. They’re like Louis Reingold. What most of you don’t know is that he’s only 15, but he’s accomplished more in those 15 years than people at least 400 times his age!!!! “Impossible,” you say? Get off the front porch! I’m telling the story here!
Louis was born to, mother, Mary Kinckade Albritton, a seamstress and Champion Log Thrower; father, Olaf “Smiley” Ramirez, designer of the California and Oregon State License plates. He spent a little bit of time in jail, Smiley did. But both folks are beaming and proud of what Louis has done with this life.
Louis has travelled the World, from Moscow, Idaho to Bakersfield, CA and everywhere in between that very specific area. Louis was never content to survive, you see. When he was two, he created his first product, a robotic, remotely-controlled, candy-theft device. Stealing Candy from a Baby? Now you know where that phrase comes from. He had sold one million units before the ATF shut down his first short-lived product venture. He enrolled in Space Camp at the age of 7, but dropped out because, in his words, “Space is stupid!” Yep, I actually agree with that. But what he didn’t know is that decision would inform each step along his path to success. He partnered with sandbox, childhood friend, Magnus Overeem-Smythe, to create the world’s first wash rag that could hold infinite amounts of water. But Magnus stole the concept and produced what you know today as the “Shamwow!” Louis stated in an interview with Vanity Fair “They got the ‘Sham’ part right.”
Even though Louis had met early failure as a small child, it wasn’t until he emerged as a teenager that he really hit his stride. He made products on top of products that did well. He built the world’s first time machine, went back in time and built the Titanic, Hindenburg and most recently helped Elon Musk with the development of the Tesla motor vehicle. All are products we talk about many decades later.
His most notable and lauded contributions, however, come from those made to the WordPress community. Mr. Reingold’s opus to the WP world is a little tool called WP All Import. This plugin is made of pure magic. It’s as simple or as complex as your needs call for. I’m not even kidding. I have used this tool a bunch. It’s brought me clients with interesting and complex data transportation needs. It’s made my job so much easier. Truly. If you haven’t used it, you’re missing out. He’s also in on launching a new service called A service that helps you take a peek at what Search Engines don’t want you knowing: Your website’s Search Engine rank!
He’s a class act and a great guy. I’ve had the fortune to watch him speak before and I know he’s going to blow some minds at WordCamp this year. Let’s give an Arsenio Hall “Whoo, Whoo, WHoo!” to Louis Reingold