Janine Warner

Janine Warner’s best-selling books and videos about the Internet have won her an international following and earned her speaking and consulting engagements around the world. She is the creator of DigitalFamily.com, a full-service interactive design and training agency that offers web and mobile design, content strategy, and internet marketing services.

Janine is the author of 25+ books about the Internet, including Web Sites For Dummies,Mobile Web Design For Dummies, and every edition of Dreamweaver For Dummies. She’s also created more than 100 hours of training videos on WordPress, content strategy, web design, and social media for creativeLIVE.com, Lynda.com, and KelbyTraining. Learn more about Janine at http://JCWarner.com.

About Natalie MacLees

I've been building the internet since 1996. I'm a co-founder at N2, the software company behind Draw Attention and Simply Schedule Appointments.
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